the crazy mann

ONE day I was walking until I saw a scientist or was he but I just counted walking but then I realized that he was following me but I didn’t really care but then everything went black.


I woke up in a workshop basement. Then I saw the same man that kidnapped me. I asked him what do you want from me? He Started talking about how he what’s his hair red then i asked him why dont he go and buy it i told him why but then he said never in a loud voice  but he wanted to test me I said how you cant he said he is going to put it on my hair and see if it going to work I said no i tried to get out but everything was locked.


THEN he tied me up i tried to get out of it but i couldn’t.He said that he was a scientist  but a bad one.


Then he but i potion in then then smoke started going everywhere  i tried to get out but i can’t so there was i knife i tired to get it then i got it i cut my self through and eccaped i went home and called the police that he was in there the crazy man i told them the address and they went to get him i don’t know what or who or were he is still waiting for the police  to   tell me.



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